The $VVV token

Foundation of a financial revolution

vvv token universe graphic mobile
Spinning vVv token GIF


lock icon

Insurance of assets
and investments

Collateral and
investor protection

fess and gas gear icon

and gas

$VVV airdrop
VCs & Angels
Seed round

The sustainability of $VVV

Burning, staking and increasing demand


By institutions and users

The more institutions leverage our platform and the more users we onboard, the more $VVV tokens get removed from the circulating and total supply.

Burning $VVV graphic
Staking graphic


Assets under management and collateral increase simultaneously

The more assets vVv manages the more $VVV is staked by 3rd parties as collateral. This is a vital process to ensure legitimacy and longevity of institutions' assets beyond due diligence and contracts.

This is the most powerful and sophisticated way of investor protection and asset collateralization amongst any digital asset provider.

Reverse tokenomics

Slashing, lag time and dynamic vesting

slashing graphic


To protect investors, stakeholders, clients and our ecosystem, every time vested tokens are claimed, the user will get slashed (taxed) for doing so. The earlier the claim, the greater the tax. This retains the balance of supply and demand post TGE.

Full article coming soon
lag time and dynamic vesting graphic

Lag time and dynamic vesting

To ensure that the circulating supply increases at a decreasing rate, every time vested tokens are claimed, the user's vesting schedule extends.

Full article coming soon
Glassy vvv tokenglassy token small

Airdrops, social media and attention


Twitter impressions


Airdrop entries

Primed for early adoption

There are no unknowns with vVv. With one of the most engaged and active Twitter audiences and 100,000 entries in our currently running airdrop campaign, we have proven to understand how to attract the attention of our key audience for early adoption.

Growing demand

Significant buzz and demand in the crypto market for $VVV already exists today, and will continue to grow exponentially until its TGE.

$VVV has emerged as a symbol of innovation, inclusion and long-term market success, granting its stakeholders exposure to an industry which until now was discriminative and inaccessible for private individuals.

$VVV airdrop
VCs & Angels
Seed round

Regulatory compliance

regulatory compliance graphic
Spinning vVv token GIF

$VVV redefines digital assets distinctively designed as a fully decentralized utility token on-chain. It's pivotal to the vVv ecosystem, focusing on functional use rather than investment value.

This approach, emphasizing decentralization and utility, aligns $VVV with regulatory standards, positioning it away from security classification.

Its value is driven by user interaction and market dynamics within the decentralized blockchain framework, underscoring its independence from centralized control.

$VVV's innovative structure sets it apart in the digital asset sphere, showcasing a successful blend of practical utility and adherence to a decentralized model.